Tag Archives: sparksql

Apache Spark Future

Everyone around the internet is constantly talking about the bright future of Apache Spark. How cool it is, how innovative it is, how fast it is moving, how big its community is, how big the investments into it are, etc. But what is really hiding behind this enthusiasm of Spark adepts, and what is the real future of Apache Spark?

Predicting Apache Spark Future

In this article I show you the real data and real trends, trying to be as agnostic and unbiased as possible. This article is not affiliated with any vendor.

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Will Spark replace Hadoop?

I often hear this question from my customers and over the internet, especially in the last year. So what is the myth and what is real about the Spark and its place in the “Big Data” ecosystem?

Spark vs Hadoop

To be honest, the question I put as the title is wrong, but it is usually the way it is asked. Hadoop is not a single product, it is an ecosystem. Same for Spark. Let’s cover them one by one. The main pillars of the Hadoop ecosystem at the moment are: Continue reading